Horsemotions offers special seminars and individual coaching services in which you can find answers to your professional or personal questions. Please choose from various modules of different subject areas:
Business – Coaching – Feldenkrais – Mystic Horse
An unusual combination for you? Only at first glance. Because that is your personal gain. In our offer we combine apparent opposites and combine them into a profitable whole – for you and your personal concern. Our guiding principles are authenticity and presence.
Business Executive and Management Seminars
Leadership is developed by practicing and experiencing – proven HorseDream® concepts for companies and organizations.
Coaching Individual Process Monitoring
In an individual process we accompany you to find the best solutions to your personal questions and select the most appropriate elements for you.
Feldenkrais Harmony and Balance for Man and Horse
Gain more awareness and discover relationships between physical movement and the way we think and feel.
Mystic Horse – Horses as Spiritual Guidance
Systemic constellation work with horses and Shamanism as support for your emotional and spiritual development as well as in the healing work.